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For the best naturopathic results, come as you are…

Sometimes when new clients approach me or book in for a naturopathy appointment they put themselves under pressure to be “doing the right thing” already. And sometimes I get the sense that they feel a need to apologise for their behaviours or habits or food choices or lifestyle. Perhaps they feel a little embarrassed or … Read more

what do normal blood tests mean?

My blood tests are “normal”, what now?

Frequently, when people seek me out for naturopathic support, they have seen one or more doctors, had some pathology tests done and been told that all their test results are normal and there is nothing really wrong with them. And yet they still feel unwell. Perhaps they have vague digestive symptoms or they feel tired, … Read more

what is functional medicine?

Functional Medicine. What is it and why should you care?

What is functional medicine? Functional medicine is a term slowly garnering interest in the medical fraternity among those doctors who seek to care for their patients in a more holistic fashion. In fact, it is the approach to health and healing which most naturopaths have been taught and have practised for centuries. The focus of … Read more


The top reasons why I love being your naturopath

People are often curious when they find out I am a naturopath running my own clinic here in Melbourne but that my first career was as a Chartered Accountant. They remark that it seems like quite a change. Interestingly, I don’t really see it like that. From my perspective I still have clients who pay … Read more

Positive steps to improving your depression

I recently wrote a blog asking the question… Are you depressed? I outlined some of the symptoms of depression and some of the factors that can contribute to your depression. If you’ve been diagnosed with depression you may be interested to know that there are many things you can do to improve your situation. Psychological … Read more