Over the years I have been asked many questions by clients and prospective clients. Here are a few I hope you consider before you trust someone with your health. What are your naturopathic qualifications? Absolutely anyone can call themselves a naturopath in Australia. As a profession, we are still waiting
Have you ever stopped to consider what sort of “old age” you want? You might have plans for your retirement such as holidays and hobbies and you hopefully have a savings/superannuation plan in place to provide for those. But what about your health? What are you doing about your health
Cognitive decline is a scary thought but like most illnesses, the sooner you start to address it, the better your likely outcomes. No one likes the concept of “losing your marbles”…not being able to remember names and faces or how to do simple tasks. Perhaps having to give up work
High blood pressure (aka hypertension in medical circles) is thought to affect 1 in 3 adult Australians with this figure increasing with age. It reaches a peak of over 40% in adults 75 or older (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2018). Blood pressure refers to the pressure your blood exerts on
Acid-base balance (sometimes called acid-alkaline balance) can be a complex and confusing topic. Today, I want to simplify it and give you the essential info you need to look after and improve your health. So stick with me and I’ll take you through it from a naturopath’s perspective. Even if
A diet low in fibre is a risk factor for bowel cancer, diverticulitis, constipation, haemorrhoids, high cholesterol, heart disease, weight gain and more. It is easy to forget the importance of dietary fibre when you are inundated with information about important vitamins and minerals, or the latest ‘superfood’. So, while
Are your digestive problems or other symptoms a result of an unhealthy gut microbiome? Your microbiome is your very own personal ecosystem made up primarily of bacteria but also includes archaea (primitive single-celled organisms), nonliving viruses, fungi and protozoa. The human microbiome refers to the genes these microbial cells harbour.
A poor appetite may be the source of your health concerns Good digestion starts with a good appetite. Feeling hungry indicates your stomach and pancreas are producing hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes (sometimes referred to as gastric acid or juices). This means your body is ready to break down the
If you have any kind of health issue, please pay attention to the role of your digestive system (even if it feels unrelated to your problem). Your digestive system (aka the gastrointestinal tract or GIT) is vital for keeping you healthy. The primary role of the GIT is to break
Is your digestion causing you problems? Problems with digestion are some of the most common reasons why clients seek naturopathic help. More obvious symptoms can include heartburn, bloating or sensations of fullness, indigestion, excessive flatulence or burping, constipation or diarrhoea. But there are less obvious signs as well. These include