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When was the last time you gave your liver a moment’s thought? You are probably aware of your heart when it starts pounding as you run up a hill or run for the train. Maybe it’s climbing a set of stairs. Or you pay attention to your lungs when you

causes of poor sleep and how to fix them

It is estimated that approximately 2 million people suffer from insomnia in Australia. This is a shocking statistic when you consider that sleep is vital for life and certainly plays a significant role in our enjoyment of life. So, why aren’t we sleeping? Disruption to your circadian rhythm You’re probably


A good night’s sleep is vital for so many aspects of a healthy life. More daytime energy, less fatigue, better concentration and ability to think, fresher skin and appearance are just some of the more obvious things we associate with good sleep. However, good quality sleep is also associated with

signs that you need more sleep

Do you know how much sleep your body needs to function at its best? It’s not a trick question. Some people function perfectly on 5 hours a night while others struggle on anything less than eight. The answer is “whatever is right for you”. You need to work out a

Are you trying to achieve and maintain a healthy weight or perhaps improve your health via your diet? Despite your best efforts, are you struggling with those sneaky snacks that creep into your diet? Most of us (including this naturopath) have been there at some stage. Standing at the cupboard

Holidays are one of life’s great pleasures and absolutely essential for your health. They are an opportunity to rest and rejuvenate, to stimulate your senses with new sights, sounds, smells and flavours. They are a change of routine and a much-needed opportunity to spend some essential time outdoors. A good

Many of us, at some stage or other, want to lose weight. Maybe just a couple of kilos that have crept on over winter or perhaps it’s quite a few kilos that have accumulated over years. Perhaps you have struggled with your weight your entire life (or it seems that

Do those sneaky kilos appear over the winter months? Maintaining your healthy weight can be a bit of a challenge over winter. The weather is cold, it requires more motivation than you might have to get outside and exercise (or even just go about your day). You just want to

thyroid symptoms and treatment

Thyroid problems come up all too often in my naturopathic practice. I believe they are becoming more common and are often underdiagnosed or not diagnosed until actual damage to the thyroid gland has occurred. In part one of this two-part series of blogs, I talked about the role of the

the role of your thyroid

Weight gain, fatigue, anxiety, constipation, depression, menstrual issues, loss of libido, insomnia, diarrhoea, poor concentration, heart palpitations, high cholesterol, joint or muscle pain. What do these troubling symptoms have in common? They are all potential symptoms of some form of thyroid dysfunction. Thyroid disorders make a regular appearance in my