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The best way to detox

Monitoring my clients’ detoxification ability is an integral part of what I do every day, and there is always new research coming out (particularly in the area of genetics for example) which can help me understand how to provide a unique and individualised treatment plan for my clients and not just any old “off-the-shelf, near-enough-is-good-enough” … Read more

How to support your lungs this bushfire season

Our lungs are part of our detoxification system.  Like our liver, bowel, kidneys, lymphatic system and skin, our lungs filter out toxins.  At the moment, with the bushfires across Australia our lungs are being exposed to some pretty nasty toxins and they are working overtime. We can do our best to minimise our exposure to … Read more

Boost your health with these 8 easy tips for a spring clean

At last it’s spring. The days are slowly getting longer and the temperatures are gradually creeping up. I don’t know about you but at this time of year I start to think about revitalisation in all aspects of my life. The house gets a bit of a spruce up, the garden gets some much-needed attention … Read more