Why Change Is Hard—and How to Overcome It

Have you ever set yourself some goals and then struggled to achieve them? Maybe you’ve decided you want to quit smoking, reduce your alcohol intake, lose weight, do more exercise, go to bed earlier, save more money or make healthier food choices. Or maybe you’ve decided you are overdue for a new job or you … Read more

How acid-base balance affects your health

What you need to know about acid-base balance for good health

Acid-base balance (sometimes called acid-alkaline balance) can be a complex and confusing topic. Today, I want to simplify it and give you the essential info you need to look after and improve your health. So stick with me and I’ll take you through it from a naturopath’s perspective. Even if chemistry has never been your … Read more

5 tips for better digestion

5 easy, effective tips to improve your digestion

Is your digestion causing you problems? Problems with digestion are some of the most common reasons why clients seek naturopathic help. More obvious symptoms can include heartburn, bloating or sensations of fullness, indigestion, excessive flatulence or burping, constipation or diarrhoea. But there are less obvious signs as well. These include skin, hair or nail problems, … Read more

The underappreciated value of “stop therapy”

The simple definition of stop therapy is: stop doing the thing that is not serving your physical or mental health Just stop doing bad stuff. It sounds obvious really. I think I can safely assume you don’t go around literally hitting your head against a brick wall. You know it’s not good for you, you … Read more

stress, relaxation and toning your vagus nerve

Feeling stressed? Working on your vagus nerve will help.

The vagus nerve is one of twelve nerves originating in the brain passing through the neck to the abdomen.  It plays a key role in both the sympathetic nervous system (our stress response) and the parasympathetic nervous system (our rest and digest response). It is a two-directional pathway linking your gut to your brain as … Read more

Diet, lifestyle and environment are the keys to good health

Why is good health so hard to achieve?

The cornerstones of good health are diet, lifestyle and environment (plus a little bit of genetics but that’s for another blog). Sometimes we refer to this as a three-legged stool. If you’ve ever tried to improve your health unsuccessfully, ask yourself if you have missed out one or more of the legs. This is why, … Read more