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The reasons why you eat even when you don’t really need to

Are you trying to achieve and maintain a healthy weight or perhaps improve your health via your diet? Despite your best efforts, are you struggling with those sneaky snacks that creep into your diet? Most of us (including this naturopath) have been there at some stage. Standing at the cupboard or the fridge, looking for … Read more

How to have a healthy holiday and avoid gaining weight

Holidays are one of life’s great pleasures and absolutely essential for your health. They are an opportunity to rest and rejuvenate, to stimulate your senses with new sights, sounds, smells and flavours. They are a change of routine and a much-needed opportunity to spend some essential time outdoors. A good holiday is great for reducing … Read more

nutrition for improved exercise results

Improving your exercise results with the right nutrition

Perhaps you are exercising to help manage your weight. Or maybe you exercise for your mental health or for strength and fitness or even just for fun. Have you ever given any thought to the role of your nutrition in how you perform and how you recover? You have likely invested in the right equipment … Read more