Fibre in your diet

Fibre! How to ensure you get enough in your daily diet

A diet low in fibre is a risk factor for bowel cancer, diverticulitis, constipation, haemorrhoids, high cholesterol, heart disease, weight gain and more. It is easy to forget the importance of dietary fibre when you are inundated with information about important vitamins and minerals, or the latest ‘superfood’. So, while it might not sound very … Read more

Confused about dairy products? Should you be “dairy free”?

Dairy can be a confusing food group as there are many different types of dairy available.  Dairy products may be derived from cow, sheep and goat milk.  Dairy includes; milk, cheese, cream, icecream, butter, and fermented products like yoghurt and kefir.  Then we have A1 and A2 milk, lactose free milk and cheese, as well … Read more