The underappreciated value of “stop therapy”

The simple definition of stop therapy is: stop doing the thing that is not serving your physical or mental health Just stop doing bad stuff. It sounds obvious really. I think I can safely assume you don’t go around literally hitting your head against a brick wall. You know it’s not good for you, you … Read more

stress, relaxation and toning your vagus nerve

Feeling stressed? Working on your vagus nerve will help.

The vagus nerve is one of twelve nerves originating in the brain passing through the neck to the abdomen.  It plays a key role in both the sympathetic nervous system (our stress response) and the parasympathetic nervous system (our rest and digest response). It is a two-directional pathway linking your gut to your brain as … Read more

causes of poor sleep and how to fix them

Common causes of poor sleep and how to address them

It is estimated that approximately 2 million people suffer from insomnia in Australia. This is a shocking statistic when you consider that sleep is vital for life and certainly plays a significant role in our enjoyment of life. So, why aren’t we sleeping? Disruption to your circadian rhythm You’re probably familiar with the term “circadian … Read more


9 ways to improve your sleep

A good night’s sleep is vital for so many aspects of a healthy life. More daytime energy, less fatigue, better concentration and ability to think, fresher skin and appearance are just some of the more obvious things we associate with good sleep. However, good quality sleep is also associated with healthy weight management (via the … Read more

The reasons why you eat even when you don’t really need to

Are you trying to achieve and maintain a healthy weight or perhaps improve your health via your diet? Despite your best efforts, are you struggling with those sneaky snacks that creep into your diet? Most of us (including this naturopath) have been there at some stage. Standing at the cupboard or the fridge, looking for … Read more

How to have a healthy holiday and avoid gaining weight

Holidays are one of life’s great pleasures and absolutely essential for your health. They are an opportunity to rest and rejuvenate, to stimulate your senses with new sights, sounds, smells and flavours. They are a change of routine and a much-needed opportunity to spend some essential time outdoors. A good holiday is great for reducing … Read more