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How to convalesce

How to convalesce successfully …

A few of my naturopathy clients lately have been asking me why they have a string of good days (and they think everything is behind them) but then maybe a bad day or two. I’ve also had clients who might recover from a virus but then will have days when

Diet, lifestyle and environment are the keys to good health

The cornerstones of good health are diet, lifestyle and environment (plus a little bit of genetics but that’s for another blog). Sometimes we refer to this as a three-legged stool. If you’ve ever tried to improve your health unsuccessfully, ask yourself if you have missed out one or more of

Clients come to me for naturopathic advice and help for their symptoms or their diagnosed complaint. It’s my job to work backwards with the goal of identifying the factor or factors that may have caused their symptoms in the first place and anything that might still be contributing to or

If I ask you the question….”what do you do just for fun?” how would you respond? Let me tell you that when I ask this question of my clients, some have responded with blank expressions, some have struggled to think of anything and others have shed tears. It’s a simple

I get a lot of enquiries about my naturopathy services, either by phone or email. Personally, I think it is very important and really helpful to have that no-obligation conversation up front to establish what the key issues are with your health, whether naturopathy is the right option for you

Sometimes when new clients approach me or book in for a naturopathy appointment they put themselves under pressure to be “doing the right thing” already. And sometimes I get the sense that they feel a need to apologise for their behaviours or habits or food choices or lifestyle. Perhaps they

what do normal blood tests mean?

Frequently, when people seek me out for naturopathic support, they have seen one or more doctors, had some pathology tests done and been told that all their test results are normal and there is nothing really wrong with them. And yet they still feel unwell. Perhaps they have vague digestive

Many of us are really feeling the pinch right now as a result of hours reduced, jobs lost or businesses closed. Even if you are still fully employed there might be a degree of uncertainty with regard to the future and that can make many of us extra cautious in

Prebiotic food

You’ve probably seen the advertisements encouraging you to take a probiotic for good inner health. You may have even tried a probiotic supplement (perhaps with success or maybe not). And if you’ve ever looked at the number of different products available it would be no surprise if you have ended

Monitoring my clients’ detoxification ability is an integral part of what I do every day, and there is always new research coming out (particularly in the area of genetics for example) which can help me understand how to provide a unique and individualised treatment plan for my clients and not

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