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What is driving your pain and inflammation?

For my naturopathic clients, inflammation and associated pain are very common symptoms. Often pain isn’t the reason someone has come to see me but, in taking a “functional medicine” approach to your case, pain will often come up in some way or another. It might be musculoskeletal pain such as

causes of fatigue

Are you tired some or all of the time? Do you hit the snooze button in the morning? Are you struggling to get through the day without caffeine or sugar? For some, the answer to the question “why am I so tired?” might be obvious…too many late nights! Simple, and

Being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease is awful and not something I would wish on anyone. Yet almost 1 in 10 people will receive that diagnosis at some point in their life. When your immune system is working well, it is constantly on the lookout for foreign invaders (like viruses,

Vitamin D

I’ve talked elsewhere about the key nutrients for immune health but vitamin D deserves its own blog. We’ve typically been taught that vitamin D is for strong bones but its role in your health extends beyond bone. The many roles of vitamin D in your health Regulation of the immune

Immune boosting foods

Every day, you are constantly exposed to bacteria, viruses and bugs of all kinds. We really had this drummed into us during 2020 and, pandemics aside, you do need to take care of your immune system to avoid getting sick at the drop of a hat. I’ve written before about

We’ve been so focused on surviving a pandemic it’s easy to overlook more run of the mill viral or bacterial infections. But as we come into winter and increasingly mix with others, you might want to show your immune system a bit of love beyond hand-washing and mask-wearing. Beating those

food shopping tips

Tips for saving shopping time and improving your nutrition Have you ever done this? Rushed into the supermarket, not sure what you need, grabbed a few items and rushed out. I know I have! But what if this is you on a regular basis? What are the consequences of this?

Are you stuck in a food rut? Same thing, week in, week out? Have you lost touch with nature and the natural growing cycle of our food? If so, you are not alone. Most of us don’t have the time or the energy to actually stop and think about where

When it comes to your health, I’m not a big fan of hard and fast rules. They don’t always allow for individual needs and possibly just set you up to fail. BUT these guidelines are a great place to start if you want to improve your health. Even though everyone

Invest in your health

Have you ever really stopped to think about it? I truly hope you have. I would argue that your health is your most precious asset. Without good health everything else is of less value to you. Your ability to enjoy life is compromised somewhat. If you suffer from ill health,

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